Episode 62- Angela Alba-DiRico and Come and Shave it 12


   Come and Shave it 12 presented by The Austin Facial Hair Club is upon our doorstep and I am joined by club member/event co-captain, Angela Alba-Dirico.  February 24th is the date for this premiere event and beards, mustaches, and creatives from all across the globe will come together for the 12th year of one of the country’s best beard and mustache competitions. Angela and I talked about the club and the event and how she was pulled into the Whiskerina lifestyle along with her jewelry company, Bohemian Jewel.  To finish off our interview we played a fun game called “Know your Nelson” where I found out just how well Angela knows her “Nelson’s”.  I hope you enjoy this very special episode, Angela was a pure delight to hang out with and talk all about the beard culture and all the fun things going on in Austin.  


Angelas Austin recommendations:

Texas Capital Building


Cathedral of Junk



Be sure to use promo code: thebeardcaster to get 20% your next purchase 





Be sure to use promo code: YOURMOM6969 for various discounts

List of the weekends events Come and Shave it Weekend:



The Champions 


  1. Goatee - All goatees must have a 2” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be. All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Styling aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction of stand-alone value.
  2. Sideburns/Chops - Sideburns will be regulated to all beards being grown from above or even with the top of each ear, and come down towards the chin but do not meet at the chin; the chin must have a minimum of 2” shaved area that creates a “skin moat” so the left and right side of the chops do not obviously meet. However, the sideboards may be grown and worn upwards and create a rendezvous above the lip, where they can unite in the Canal De Moustache. This rendezvous is permitted, and while friendly, it is not required.
  3. Shenandoah/Donegal/Whaler - The Shenandoah/Donegal/Whaler will consist of all beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache. In other words, all beards with no moustaches that connect the top of the ear on one side of the face to the same point of the opposite side of the face.
  4. Natural Moustache - Judges will be looking for a natural moustache with no styling aids present. The moustache must not begin protrusion from the skin at a distance further than 1.5 cm beyond the corner of the wearers mouth. Any length of moustache hairs is accepted.
  5. Styled Moustache - The Styled Moustache is considered to be a moustache that does not begin to grow out of the face at a distance further than 1.5cm from the corner of the wearers mouth, but the moustache hairs themselves will have no regulation on length. Any or all styling aids will be permitted and some styling is required.
  6. Best Groomed - A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Styling Aids permitted, all lengths accepted. 
  7. Full Beard Styled Moustache - Full beard of any style with minimal to zero styling aids, Moustache of any size styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial hair feature of the face.
  8. Full Beard Under 1ft - Full beard under 1 foot is any full beard that is under 1 foot as measured from the bottom lip of the wearer. Though mild styling aids are permitted, judges will score with a less-is-more-approach to styling aids. *Note: Any beard styled outside a “normal” range of beard wearing will be placed in the freestyle category.
  9. Full Beard Over 1ft - Any natural, full beard at #CASI12 that is over 1 foot in length and less than 2 feet in length will be placed in this category. Mild Styling aids accepted. Just because you can add something, does not mean that you should. This rule applies to this beard category and the presence of styling aids. *Note: Any beard styled outside a “normal” range of beard wearing will be placed in the freestyle category.
  10. Full Beard over 2ft - Natural Full beard as measured from the bottom lip of the wearer. No styling aids.
  11. Full Beard Freestyle - The full-bearded contestant will have the freedom to do with their beard what they will; although additional structural materials will diminish overall impressiveness. Styling aids allowed.
  12. Partial Beard Freestyle - Partial Beard Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Partial Beard (any beard that is styled and that is not a “full beard”, excluding partial upper beards, sometimes referred to as Moustaches).
  13. Ladies/Craft Natural - This Craft/Realistic Category requires a crafted, realistic looking beard. There are no other regulations. Beards that maintain their shape/lift/buoyancy without the additional aid of the wearers own appendages will be rewarded with higher scores.
  14. Ladies /Craft Fantasy -  For this category, the general idea of the creation should be able to be recognized as beardish or otherwise beard-like in shape, nature, or essence of origin in regards to the human body. There are no restrictions on materials to be used, except for what may possibly be illegal or dangerous to others. The creation must be able to hang freely from the face or general head/upper torso area without persistent help from the appendages of the wearer. Important tip: Have Fun! 

Mild Styling Aids - Oils, balms, other hair products without “Hold”
Styling Aids - Hair Products with “Hold”
Additional Structural Materials - In regards to freestyle beards, additional structural materials could be wire, string or other non-natural, non-naturally-grown-and-attached-to-the-wearer materials that might hold the beard parts up or together.


Thank you for your support and make sure you share this with a friend!!!

goto www.thebeardcaster.com for more information! 

Be sure to tell your friends about the podcast and get them interested-



-Help me grow this community of spectacular people and all the wonderful things they are doing for their community! Getting the word out helps every club, every event, every charity we all work so hard to help!


Ben Levin Group

Ben Levin Group

French Donkey

French Donkey


Episode 61- Brad Jackson



Brad Jackson, of Roughneck Beard Co and BAMSTL, and I talk about Whisk'er Away 2: A Beard And Pin-Up Prom which is a benefit for Play it Forward STL. This is an amazing charity that helps get musical instruments to the kids that need them and the schools that can't provide them. Brad's music career has really driven him to want to help out the children of St. Louis and he gives an interesting story behind his musical background. 

Whisk'er Away 2: A Beard And Pin-Up Prom FEB 10th

 Play It Forward STL

BAMSTL - Beards and Mustaches of St. Louis-

Roughneck Beard Co.



Thank you for your support and make sure you share this with a friend!!!

goto www.thebeardcaster.com for more information! 

Be sure to tell your friends about the podcast and get them interested-



-Help me grow this community of spectacular people and all the wonderful things they are doing for their community! Getting the word out helps every club, every event, every charity we all work so hard to help!

enter promo code thebeardcaster to get 20% off your order!!!


Ben Levin Group

Ben Levin Group